Thursday, May 27, 2010

The First

Hello hello,
looks like I am the first to be making a post on our brand new blog. I will start with the obvious, this is a blog about roller derby and the trials and triumphs of being a derby girl. Now that being said, I would also like to note that I have both serious issues with spelling and grammar, forgive me, german private let me down academically.
Today was the third wave of our assessments which dealt with blocking, hitting and whips followed up with the always pleasant twenty-five laps in five minutes. I haven't skated in a good week and it was evident in practice today. Summer school is rearing it's ugly head and getting in the way of my derby both physically and mentally. With classes running from 9am to 6pm every day, I am feeling pretty worn thin. Throw work and derby on top of that and I become a little bit of a hysterical mess. It was pretty clear from my performance today that I will not be passing this section of the assessments and will have to wait until next month to take them again. I am beginning to discover that my multi tasking skills are lacking. I am one of those people who can only have one major thing going on in their lives. Unfortunately, that thing is currently school. The stress from school is getting in the way of my life on the rink. The only comforting thing I have going on this weekend is the absence of my roommates, who I love, but it is good to get a little me time. I intend to spend my weekend of solitude being completely naked and eating peanut butter and pickles out of the jar while playing Zelda on Nintendo 64, which I just recently rediscovered, why did I ever give this game up?!
Much love to the derby community and my girls Jess the Ripper and Aris Throttle,
Pleather Tuscadero