Tuesday, June 8, 2010

moanin' and groanin'

hi all,

jess the ripper here. i'm not good with introductions and all that non-sense, so i'm just going to vent about my body for, well, probably the whole post.

so, about two months ago, i had fallen on my tail bone three times in a row (this was before i learned how to fall properly!). it doesn't immobilize you, but it does make everything uncomfortable and painful (including pooping). it's just really frustrating to miss practice due to a silly injury that takes FOREVER to heal.

anyways, so it was finally starting to heal up, and then last practice, i fell on it again. i didn't fall directly on it like last time, thankfully. i was trying to do a baseball slide, and the impact from the floor hitting my thigh/ass was enough to give me some intense pain up my back. i guess it was from my muscles pushing on the bone too hard, or something, but now, i feel like i'm back where i was two months ago. it hurts to take a shit, it hurts to sit down for long periods, it hurts to squat, it hurts to lay in bed (the only way it doesn't hurt is on my stomach, which isn't necessarily how i want to relax when i'm in bed). i guess i am just really upset because i know how long it took for my 1st tailbone injury to heal (it wasn't even fully healed), and now i messed it up again. the worst part is the doctor told me that there is nothing you can do about it. she told me to take Ibuprofen and use a heating pad/ice, which helps only while i'm using it. the only thing other than Ibuprofen i have helping me is some muscle relaxers that i got from a friend. but even those don't really help. but they definitely help me relax and take a bit of the edge off.

anyways, onto something rad... i got new wheels! i got the suregrip fugitives in red (95As). i haven't even gotten to try them out yet! well, except around the house. the only thing i've noticed about them is that they collect a lot of dog/cat hair while cruising through my hallway. but as soon as i get back on the rink, i will for sure let everyone know how they feel!

derby love,
jess the ripper

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